The last few weeks, I’ve been commuting on Emilie’s somewhat undersized mountain bike. First, I should point out that it’s WAY faster than it looks. Which isn’t saying a lot, but the effect is still a bit alarming. It’s also, unquestionably, way faster than taking the bus.
This, coupled with the fact that I don’t think I remember how to ride at a casual pace anymore, has lead to an interesting effect. After making a particularly aggressive manoeuver to pass a ‘sunday driver’ in the bike lane, or along the flat easy stretches on Packard or 4th, I can actually feel my brain trying put move me down to the aerobars. This is, of course, patently foolish, as there are none, and I would have to be quite a bit more flexible to sustain the posture given the size and geometry of the bike.
While momentarily frustrating on the road, this makes me very excited to take delivery of the beast I have colluded with Wheels in Motion to create, which is due any day now.