Why do we have this reaction sometimes? And, does this kind observation showing up more often in the strip recently making Dilbert the new Seinfeld?
Aardvark, what are you doing? I just authorized you to get all this stuff from Facebook. Quit wasting my time.
http://www.collegehumor.com/moogaloop/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=5999628&use_node_id=true&fullscreen=1 I know this is old, but dammit, it deserves to be watched over and over again. Leia’s hair buns as DJ headphones is just brilliant, as are the backup dancers. (Source: http://www.collegehumor.com/)
Andy Stone would totally get a kick out of these. Thanks Julie! teachingliteracy: Minimalist Fairy Tale Posters
Check out Flixmaster: Branching, interactive video
Anyone with even a passing interest in video production, gaming, or the future of media: Drop what you’re doing right now, and take a look at Flixmaster. My friends Cameron, Erika and Chris have been busting their asses at TechStars all summer to make this a reality. I’m really proud…
Boulder: #2 “Geekiest City” in America
Boulder: #2 “Geekiest City” in America We’re placing at the top in category after category this year. Smartest/Most Educated, Worst Dressed (But best-looking naked), and now “Geekiest”. Also notable that my old hometown (Ann Arbor, MI) is featured on nearly all of these lists as well, but Boulder manages to…
Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving.
RFC 1958 § 3.9 reads: 3.9 Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving. Implementations must follow specifications precisely when sending to the network, and tolerate faulty input from the network. When in doubt, discard faulty input silently, without returning an error message unless this is required by the specification. This design philosophy…
Mayor Crushes Car Parked In Bike Lane With Armored Vehicle
Mayor Crushes Car Parked In Bike Lane With Armored Vehicle
Magnetic Ragefaces
Magnetic Ragefaces I want these as soon as FourthSegment has a permanent office with a whiteboard.